School hours
Start time is 8:30am
Morning tea break is 10:15am – 10:40am
Lunch break is 12:05pm – 12:45pm (play)
Lunch break is 12:45pm-1:00pm (eat)
Juniors (Yr 0-4) and their older siblings finish at 2:30pm
Seniors (Yr 5-8) finish at 2:40pm
School pick up and drop off
Please pickup and drop off from Hana Lane only. You are welcome to pick up your children from the classroom or from the front steps. For safety our children are not permitted to cross the road without an adult. Any children not picked up by 2:45pm will be invited to wait in the office foyer.
We stagger our finishing times for Health and Safety due to limited car parking/traffic congestion on Hana Lane.
Signing your child in/out of school
There is a tablet at reception for you to sign your child in/out during school time for the following reasons: